Create tables

There are couple of ways to create table using Markdown:
The first - is to create pretty tabbed table using symbols | and -


Method Description
GET Fetch resource
PUT Update resource
DELETE Delete resource
| Method      | Description                          |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------ |
| `GET`       | :material-check:     Fetch resource  |
| `PUT`       | :material-check-all: Update resource |
| `DELETE`    | :material-close:     Delete resource |

But the more convenient way is to separate columns with |

More convenient table syntaxis

Substance Description
Bureaucratium Element that has a negative half-life". In other words, the more time passes, the more massive "Bureaucratium" becomes
Unobtainium Extremely rare, costly, or reasonably unobtainable material
Buzzwordium Positively charged element, attracted to negatively low IQ
**Substance** | **Description**
--- | --- 
**Bureaucratium** | Element that has a negative half-life". In other words, the more time passes, the more massive "Bureaucratium" becomes
**Unobtainium** | Extremely rare, costly, or reasonably unobtainable material
**Buzzwordium** | Positively charged element, attracted to negatively low IQ 

The text in the table can be aligned left, right or centered 👇 👇 👇

Left-Right alignment

Substance Description
Bombastium Rarest element in the world. Dropped into a barrel of water becomes one barrel of ice cream
Jerktonium Ingestion of jerktonium causes a bad attitude, but the effects are curable by song.
Philote The smallest possible particle, occupying no space at all.
**Substance** | **Description**
:--- | ---: 
**Bombastium** | Rarest element in the world. Dropped into a barrel of water becomes one barrel of ice cream
**Jerktonium** | Ingestion of jerktonium causes a bad attitude, but the effects are curable by song.
**Philote** | The smallest possible particle, occupying no space at all.

Table with centered columns

Substance Description
Philosophon A unit of logic so tiny only a philosopher could hope to split it.
Stalinium Alloy was used during WW2 providing Soviet forces enough toughness to bounce off enemy projectiles.
Boyfriend Material Material that's becoming harder and harder to find these days.
**Substance** | **Description**
:---: | :---: 
**Philosophon** | A unit of logic so tiny only a philosopher could hope to split it.
**Stalinium** | Alloy was used during WW2 providing Soviet forces enough toughness to bounce off enemy projectiles.
**Boyfriend Material** | Material that's getting harder and harder to find these days.


Tables can be a very powerful feature if generated automatically using python and templates or loaded from csv files