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Hide the pain Harold
![hide the pain Harold](img/Harold-main.png)
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Hide the Pain Harold is the meme of the decade (according to Imgur).
Hungarian legend András Arató found fame after he was turned into a meme for his seemingly pained smiling expression.
![Placeholder](img/Harold-1.png){ align=left style="height: 30%; width: 30%; border-radius: 5px;" loading=lazy}
# Hide the Pain Harold is the meme of the decade (according to Imgur).
## Hungarian legend András Arató found fame after he was turned into a meme for his seemingly pained smiling expression.
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All he was doing was posing for stock photos and was doing his best to look natural. However, people picked up on his facial expressions and he's since become one of the most recognisable memes on the internet.
![Placeholder](img/Harold-2.png){ align=right style="height: 40%; width: 40%; border-radius: 5px;" loading=lazy}
## All he was doing was posing for stock photos and was doing his best to look natural.
However, people picked up on his facial expressions and he's since become
one of the most recognisable memes on the internet.